Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Letters to the Editor: We know some Californians are leaving. What about the millions staying?

To the editor: The L.A. Times published yet another piece (which was well written) telling us about why people are leaving California. This time, it was about how it affects the politics of Arizona.
Yes, we know people leave for a variety of reasons. However, millions of people stay in California, but the focus is on the thousands who leave. To those who leave, best of luck and no hard feelings. To The Times, how about writing something about the millions who stay because there is no place they would rather live?
I was born in Compton, raised in Pomona and now live in Ventura. I have been to every state in the U.S., and there is no other state I would rather be than this one. California is not perfect, neither is anyplace else, but it is the best state to live in.
How about putting that in The Times?
Stephen Blum, Ventura
To the editor: It’s interesting that some of those leaving California because of the high cost of living and quality of life don’t question why things have become so. They migrate to a more favorable locale and then, when there, want to re-create the policies they made in California.
There’s no question what the results will be. The people who left could have saved themselves a move.
Tama Holve, Los Angeles
